King David: Relationship diagram

These diagrams help to easily grasp and understand the many interactions David had with people in his life. The charts are topic based to break down a persons story. To start we have one chart about the interactions between the houses of the two kings.
Also have a look at David’s 4 Generation Family tree . Important: the kinship degrees from the 4 Generation Family Tree are used in the relationship diagrams too, and are always based on the main person, in this series it is King David.

David and the house of Saul chart

This diagram show the interactions and relations between the house of King Saul and the house of David. The green represents the house of Saul, while the red background represents the house of David. This chart does not show all the people in David’s and Sauls house, but only the ones that interacted with each other.

David’s full family tree as PDF document

Full size image of the relationship diagram of of King David